
Monday, 26 December 2011

1983 09 10 - Ringo's Yellow Submarine 15


  1. Ok Studio Two! The Yellow Subs are ok up until this one! Episode 15! I haven't gone through the rest but I'm assuming from this point on it's Megauploaded. I know the previous post to this one is a Lost Lennon Tapes, and that too is dead, so I'll assume that passing this gate leads to dead links!

    I'm super psyched for the 26th episode, the call-in one, which I suppose is the next to be posted in the series! I have to say I never listened to "Ringo's Yellow Submarine" back in the day and always assumed it was lousy, but I'm actually really enjoying listening to them!!! Thanks!

  2. Evening JW. The first 15 shows have now been re-upped. Final episode of this series tomorrow morning. Thank you for the positive comments. Studio2

  3. Please please please can u re up from 12 to 26? please please, thanks in advance!
